Monday, August 24, 2020

Homeland Security Research Products Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Country Security Products - Research Paper Example Understanding the radicalization procedure is essential in creating powerful counter-systems. This is on the grounds that potential fear mongers start and progress through radicalization forms. Effective counter techniques must be accomplished if the security structures distinguish where radicalization starts. The subsequent report is that of the Department of Homeland Security titled Right-wing Extremism: Current monetary and political atmosphere energizing resurgence in radicalization and enlistment (U.S Department of Homeland Security, 2009). The report gives an appraisal of the danger presented by homegrown fanaticism from conservative gatherings. The report is an insight appraisal that helps in encouraging a superior comprehension of the development of fierce radicalization in the United States. The report needs believable proof that the conservative fear mongers are arranging any demonstrations of brutality. In any case, it puts together its contention with respect to the hypothesis that the fanatics might be preparing more selects inferable from the dread identified with a few developing issues for example the monetary downturn and the appointment of the primary African American president. To address the examination question in detail, the report has concentrated on talking about is sues, for example, the predominant political and monetary condition, abuse of the financial downturn, the presidential political race, illicit migration, and the administrative introductory drivers among others. This report tends to the homegrown danger that psychological oppression exercises present in created countries, for instance, the United States. The investigation examines the radicalization factor that advances fear based oppression exercises. The examination is fruitful in the utilization of contextual analyses to clarify the arrangement and headway of the expectations that lead to psychological warfare. Utilization of contextual investigations adds up to subjective research. The contextual analyses gave existing information and data on fear mongering for the report.â

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Seroquel (Quetiapine) Side Effects

Seroquel (Quetiapine) Side Effects Bipolar Disorder Treatment Medications Print Seroquel (Quetiapine) Side Effects By Marcia Purse Marcia Purse is a mental health writer and bipolar disorder advocate who brings strong research skills and personal experiences to her writing. Learn about our editorial policy Marcia Purse Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on January 07, 2020 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD on January 07, 2020 Hitoshi Nishimura / Getty Images More in Bipolar Disorder Treatment Medications Symptoms Diagnosis In This Article Table of Contents Expand Common Side Effects Serious Side Effects Seeking Emergency Help Overdose Effects Other Precautions View All Back To Top Seroquel (quetiapine) is an atypical antipsychotic drug used in the treatment of schizophrenia and the psychotic features of other mental illnesses, and for mood disorders, including bipolar disorder. Patients taking Seroquel should be aware of the potential side effects. Common Side Effects Check with your doctor if any of the following common side effects dont go away or are bothersome:?? ConstipationDizzinessLightheadedness, or fainting, especially when getting up from a lying or sitting positionDrowsinessDry mouthWeight gainIndigestionAbdominal painAbnormal visionDecrease in appetiteDecreased strength and energyFeeling of fast or irregular heartbeatHeadacheIncreased muscle toneIncreased sweatingStuffy or runny nose Serious Side Effects Along with its therapeutic effects, Seroquel can sometimes cause serious side effects. Some side effects will have symptoms that you can see or feel. Your doctor may watch for others, such as changes in the lenses of the eyes, by doing certain tests. Tardive dyskinesia, a movement disorder, may occur and may not go away after you stop using Seroquel.?? This was much more common with the older antipsychotic medications, but can very rarely occur with the newer atypical agents such as Seroquel. Signs of tardive dyskinesia include fine, worm-like movements of the tongue, or other uncontrolled movements of the mouth, tongue, cheeks, jaw, or arms and legs. When to Seek Emergency Help Another serious but extremely rare side effect that may occur as a result of taking Seroquel is  neuroleptic malignant syndrome  (NMS).?? Stop taking this medicine and get emergency help immediately if the following symptoms of NMS occur, particularly if they occur together: Convulsions (seizures)Difficult or unusually fast breathingFast heartbeat or irregular pulseHigh feverHigh or low (irregular) blood pressureIncreased sweatingSevere muscle stiffness Overdose Effects Notify your doctor immediately if any of these symptoms of overdose occur. These symptoms may be more severe than side effects occurring at regular doses, or several symptoms may occur together: DrowsinessFast, slow, or irregular heartbeatLow blood pressureWeakness Other Precautions If youre taking or plan to take Seroquel, keep in mind these precautions:?? Because Seroquel may cause drowsiness, dont drive or operate machinery until you know how it affects you.If you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant or if you are breastfeeding, tell your doctor.Dont ever stop Seroquel or change the amount you are taking without your doctors approval, even if you feel better. This can lead to unwanted effects and problems managing your illness.Make sure you dont miss any doses of Seroquel as this can lead to a relapse of the symptoms of your mental disorder.If you use alcohol or illegal drugs, tell your doctor since these may make any side effects you experience even worse.Make sure to drink plenty of fluids while on Seroquel and avoid becoming overheated.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Opec Organization Of The Petroleum Exporting Countries

The region I chose is OPEC, which is the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries. OPEC was established in 1961 with 5 countries. Since then, it has expanded to 12 countries: Algeria, Angola, Ecuador, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, and Venezuela. As technology improves and the production of oil and natural gas fluctuates, changes in the economy will occur and create tensions and conflicts, as well as opportunities. Because of OPEC s impact on the global economy for natural gas and oil, the strengthening of these countries connections open the door for the emergence of a new world region. There are many economic indicators that affect the OPEC organization. This chart is a†¦show more content†¦In a speech made by Mr. Mohammad Barkindo, OPEC is focused on Securing an efficient, economic and regular supply of petroleum to consuming nations; and a fair return on their capital to those investing in the petroleum industry. The organization holds meetings to discuss what is going on in the global oil and gas economy to establish a reasonable price per barrel. Each country holds a different number of the global oil reserves so the price effects them differently. If the market can stabilize at the right price, the countries can move past tensions and build stronger relationships and create a larger global impact. According to the U.S. Energy Information Association, OPEC member countries produce about 40 percent of the world s crude oil. Equally important to global prices, OPEC s oil exports represent about 60 percent of the total petroleum traded internationally. The other 60 percent of production comes from non-OPEC countries. According to, the OPEC countries are in control of 81 percent of the crude oil reserves. The demand for oil is increasing exponentially. The United States alone is expected to increase by 1.6 billion barrels by 2016. The organization contains a spare capacity on hand in case of an oil crisis. The number each country can reserve is based on the refinery capacity, which can be seen in the OPEC

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Expression of the Opposing Sides in All Quiet On The...

All Quiet On The Western Front is the German side and The Generals Die In Bed is the Allied side. The story of All Quiet On The Western Front centers on a young teenager, Paul Baumer the 19 year old German together with his 4 other classmates is persuaded to volunteer for the German army by enlisting at the beginning of World War I and find themselves fighting in the French warfare. The story is told entirely through the experiences of the young German recruits and highlights the tragedy of war through the eyes of an individual, Paul. Erich Maria Remarque creates the world of the ordinary German soldier in the Great War, spanning around late 1916 to just before the armistice of November 11th, 1918. It is a world of slaughter by gas†¦show more content†¦Generals Die in Bed by Charles Yale Harrison is told by a twenty-year-old anonymous narrator, who reminds us that the war is neither a glamorous nor glorious affair. It’s a graphic and poignant story of a young man sent to fight on the Western Front to fight against the German army. The experience of warfare in tre nches takes on distinct animation as readers identify with the predicament of the youthful soldiers. It’s written in a blunt documentary style. With its raw and powerful prose, the insanity and destructive brutality of war is shown so realistically that reader start to question the meaning of truth, heroism, God and Devil. From day one, he’s surrounded by mud and fear, lice and rats, chance and death. Artillery whistles down without notice or invitation. Boys cry out for their mothers. Close combat is worse: hasty and furious encounters with German boys and bayonets that don’t come out of one’s ribs smoothly. A cruel survival game. Against the idea of conquering the enemy, the soldiers are saying, â€Å"We have learned who our enemies are – the lice, some of our officers, and Death.† Against the idea of war’s comradeship, a scene in which soldiers fight each other like animals over a crust of bread is created. Far from making men out of boys, war in this narrative takes decent humans and brutalizes and dehumanizes them. There are battle scenes,

Internet Free Essays

It may take a village to raise a child, but it takes a society to raise a generation. The millennial generation also known as ‘Generation Y’ is a generation with their birth years ranging from 1982 – 2002, in which their attitudes and values concerning how work relates to the rest part of life. People in this generation, though more religiously unaffiliated than previous generations often are just as likely to hold traditional views about spirituality as theirs elders. We will write a custom essay sample on Internet or any similar topic only for you Order Now The millennial generation is incredibly technologically oriented as well, which may explain certain social traits they possess. Millennials have grown up immersed in ever-evolving technology. They are typically very technologically oriented, especially when it comes to social networking phenomena such as Facebook and Twitter. This may also explain why millennials are constantly connected to their peers on social networking sites. It is a multitasking way of life for most millennials, who are often immersed in several forms of communications (such as email, instant messaging, texting) all at once. All these are possible through the use of the internet. The internet is a global system of inter-connected computer networks that use the Standard Internet Protocol Suite (TCP/IP) to serve billions of users worldwide. It is a network of networks that consists of millions of private, public, academic, business and government networks of local to global scope that are linked by a broad array of electronic, wireless and optical networking technologies. The internet carries an extensive range of information resources and services, such as inter-linked hypertext documents of World Wide Web (www) and infrastructure to support email. The origins of internet reach back to the researches of the 1960s, commissioned by the United States government to build robust, fault-tolerant and distributed computer networks. The commercialization of what was by in the 1990s, an international network resulted in its popularization and incorporation into virtually every aspect of modern human life. As of June 2012, more than 2. 4 billion people- over a third of the world’s human population have used the services of the internet. The internet as so far being a blessing in disguise to the millennial generation. Although, the internet can be accessed in so many ways but the most pervasive is through the computer. Millennials use the computer both for work and personal use. From researches made, eighty-three percent of millenials use a computer for work and spends about seventeen hours on it each week. One out of five millennials use their computers for work for forty or more hours per week. Millennials who spend time on computers for personal use range from five hours per week to thirty hours per week. The average is seventeen hours per week. If these numbers are put together, it is something shocking. The average millennial spends seventeen hours per week on a computer for personal use. That totals thirty-four hours per week on a computer. That means that roughly one-third of millennials’ working lives are spent on computers. The internet provides access to a lot of information. Some of them are very useful in jobs and studies. Information can also be collated easily. Thus, the benefits of the internet are not far-fetched, likewise its disadvantages because it plays a part in our day-to-day activities. Shopping is one very important thing but of course, everything seen cannot be bought and also not all shopping websites can be trusted. It is required to select what is to be bought, fill in some forms and click. With just a simple click, payments for goods and services can be done via credit cards which will transfer money from the buyer’s bank account. Nowadays, almost every bigger banks offer money-transfer than going to the bank. Transferring money by traditional means may take a lot of days. Using the internet can do this in a few seconds. But most people fear the hackers. A hacker is someone who breaks into computing systems to damage it. He enjoys exploring the details of programmable systems of how to stretch their capabilities. This makes some people think that their money can easily be stolen by hackers. But it is not true because the internet has a very good protection which makes transactional codes practically unbreakable. Internet mailing is another very important aspect. Mails when sent get to their destinations under few seconds. For instance, when a millennial wants to inform his relatives that live far away about an issue, he copuld just send them emails of course which is not only texts but movies and photographs inclusive. The Internet has now become the best business tool in the modern scenario. Today, it has brought the world in one single room. Right from getting news across the corner of the world to accessing knowledge resources to shopping, everything is at your fingertips. The Internet has tremendous potential and a lot to offer in terms of services such as faster communication. The foremost target of Internet has always been speedy communication and it has excelled way beyond the expectations. Newer innovations are only going to make it faster and more reliable. Now, you can communicate in a fraction of second with a person who is sitting in the other part of the world. For more personal and interactive communication, you can avail the facilities of chat services, video conferencing and so on. How to cite Internet, Papers

Sunday, April 26, 2020

The communist Party in the Soviet Union and China

Introduction A Communist is a party that propels the use of social principles of communism enhanced by a communist state of governance. Karl Marx and Angels advanced this form of party in the mid 19th century. According to Leninism, a communist party is a party which belongs to the working class who may be ruling and non-ruling elite in the society1.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The communist Party in the Soviet Union and China specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The Chinese Communist Party is the world’s largest and strongest party with approximately 78 million members drawn from the party and non-party members. A survey of the Chinese political parties reveals that the Chinese Communist Party accounts for 5.6% of the total population of China according to 2009 country survey. The Russian Communist party was recorded as the most powerful party , but today it has collapsed with China taking over the lead. This paper explores some of the factors that may account for the failure of the communist party in Russia, as well as factors contributing to the success of the Communist party in China2. Discussion To understand reasons that led to the collapse of the CP in Soviet Union, we examine how these parties arose in respective countries. While the Soviet Union did not experience uprisings, China had a historical series of mass peasantry revolutions. In October 1949, the party became officially powerful to found a country led by single-party system. The revolution cause driven by the masses gave the CP the power to protest against the perceived oppression’ to give defense, economic resources, employment, and education to the peasant majority. Until today, the successes of the communist party in China have been attributed to the overwhelming revolt waged by the peasants3. The Soviet Union has no history of unity among its ethnic minorities as well as the inefficient units that formed the Soviet blocs. The differences in languages spoken among the blocs, varied history for every Soviet state continued to spur ethnic and cultural division.Advertising Looking for essay on political sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This led to lack of feasible means that would have unified the innately different subsets that formed the union. According to the founding father of communism, Karl Marx, communism cannot thrive without forming requisite mass revolution of the international proletariat. Impending lack of unity among the revolutionary proletariat, the Soviet Union came into power without an effective and robust support of the masses to sustain its presence and power. Pursuant to the need for an economically strong party and country, China’s CP remains a distinguished large communist party in the world today4. Thus, one of the greatest differences between the two countries is the extent and scope of em phasis put on the economic reform compared to political liberation. In essence, although political liberation was a necessary condition for the growth of the party, it was not a sufficient condition for creating a powerfully sustainable communist party5. While numerous factors have contributed to the collapse of Communism in the Soviet Union, one eminent cause remains critical to its failure during the 1980’s. This cause creates the fundamental difference between the Soviet case and the survival of the Chinese communist party. The introduction of liberalist ideologies by Mikhail Gorbachev led to a political compromise between the people’s loyalty to the party and the government. This led subsequent loss of confidence and trust in the ideologies of communism due to failure of the communist government to provide people with promises that led to the revolution6. The Chinese communist government did not emphasize the need to control the entire populace, but rather generate and control economic resources. The economic reform agenda introduced by the government left the Chinese population more satisfyed.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The communist Party in the Soviet Union and China specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Because the communist party forms its foundation on the powerful elite forming the lead the working class of a society, it generates and wields its power through a mass of resources from its powerful members. Studies show that although the party has continued to face resistance from the opposing figures, its highly skilled members that form the party’s elite have continued to devise strategies that maintain its power. In the case of China, the CCP has obtained its strength from the peasant and armed forces7. The emergence of the peasantry revolts that cropped up after the defeat of the second revolution in the southern provinces of China marks the beginning of t he Chinese communist party’s strength. Several factors have contributed to the victory and subsequent success of the Chinese communist party. Firstly, this was made possible because of the Chinese communist party’s excessive involvement in the practices of organizing and training of the peasant majority to form a united front capable of sustaining a continuous war without fail. High economic resources endowment of the working class enabled the party to sustain the desperateness of the backward peasantry that rallied behind the elitist party forming the communist party8. The ability of the party to demonstrate a strong following was facilitated by the innate backwardness of the peasants coupled with geographic vastness of the country and lack of proper communication networks. Although these factors may be viewed as the insignificant, their contributions has had an enormous impact on the success of the party for many years, especially during the most challenging moments of its life. For instance, the strong division between the elites and the peasantry facilitated by the intellectual and geographical location, and resource accumulation stimulated the peasants to wage war in respect of their perceived inadequacies9.Advertising Looking for essay on political sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The observable incompetence of the bourgeois government that existed during this period necessitated the growth and sustenance of the war driven by the peasants on behalf of the working class. In addition, the utter despair and the sorry state of the peasants found reasons for their war, which stimulated further energy for the war. A large and poor peasant population has characterized China during the revolutions with few, but powerful elitist population that controlled the country’s economy10. The tactical sense of the Chinese communist party leadership that oscillated between opportunism and adventurism managed to exist for many years under the province of the strong resistance of the government. Although the party lost its power against the ruling government, it continued criticism of the government’s policies served to provide an impetus for subsequent revolts through a mass of peasants and army revolutions11. It continued pressure on the government giving it anoth er bargaining tool to agitate for change in the economic, political, and social systems that underpinned the country’s leadership12. Therefore, lack of a strong Democratic Party caused the peasant majority and armies gathered their support for the Chinese Communist Party. This scenario gave the Chinese communist party a formidable ground to front its political capital. Numerous sources suggest that the power of the Chinese communist party has declined over the past two decades, especially after the advent of the Deng reforms and the subsequent collapse of the joint (collective) farming system. Many believe that these factors have contributed to the party’s disintegration across the country. Some surveys noted that the rural membership of the Chinese communist party branches had seen 60% disbandment as at the beginning of 199313. However, the support for the party has remained intact in the urban cities, accounting for its continuous existence. The declining power of th e party has generated an impetus to rejuvenate its power by attempting to search for the new direction for its future14. The party called eminent scholars and experts from foreign countries to offer their opinions on the way forward for the party. This strategy has been developed out of frustration and worries created by the continuing rise in levels of unemployment, rural poverty, widespread corruption within the party and its government that continue to threaten its sustainable power in the future. The overall country’s perception about the communist party as an honorable umbrella party has served to stimulate the ever-increasing membership across the country. Studies show that, in the past decade, over one million people joined the party every year. The party’s leadership has invested enormous resources capable of recruiting the masses, especially the educated young populations that has the power to forge its communist ideologies to the rest of the population. This strategic move to target the educated masses and the working class spurred its growth and strength throughout its historical life15. The party has thrived on a number of factors including stirring up nationalist perceptions and feeling among the people while promoting the people-driven defense ideologies. The party’s growth has been attributed to the widespread divide in China between the poor and the rich holding unto the economic and political power. In addition, the communist party in China has continued to benefit from its strategic membership drawn from the brightest entrepreneurs and elitist groups that held profitable positions in the country’s leading corporations and private ventures. These proletariats have been made to develop positive perceptions about the Chinese communist party, which has continued to moving them away from mainstream politics and criticism of the Chinese communist party policies. Similarly, the government has continued to using its state machinery and resources to incorporate the majority from the rural areas left behind in the politics of the communist party. According to John Pomfret, over the years the communist party has sustained itself as a strong party with excess power by providing the Chinese population with stakes in maintaining the status quo and appealing to the masses. The rural populations have continuously been integrated into the TVE system as well as termination of the taxes. Therefore, the government under the leadership of the CCP creates a friendlier atmosphere that cushions its people from adverse economic distress arising out of economic downtimes16. Therefore, the people of China have used these facets to continue submitting to the social principles of the communist party to yield a powerful unity to date. According to Timothy’s theory of the state effect, he argues that the communist party attempts to position itself as the fundamental reformer of the society17. Apparently, this societ y stood separated from the party during its revolution against the tenets of the ruling class. This juxtaposed state of the party among the people and society has generated a misconceived image to the public, making it a loyalist party with the largest membership. Conclusion The communist party in China and the Soviet Union, both had similarities and differences that account for their success and failure respectively. Studies documented that both scenarios posses a series of similarities that illustrate why they survived at one time, the death of the party in the USSR, and the continued wielding of power by the Chinese Communist Party18. Many scholars have argued that both parties have experienced the demise of their power due to their inability to formulate strategies that appealed to the changing times. Many scholars have argued that both parties have experienced the demise of their powers due to their inability to formulate strategies that appealed to the changing times. In case of the Soviet Union, much of its failure has been attributed to the lack of the appropriate links between the Soviet based states and the leadership that promoted the western democracies at the expense of communist ideologies. One critical difference that distinguishes the Soviet CP and the Chinese CP are that China did not have immoral communist leader, Mao Tse-tung as opposed to the Soviet Union. In addition, the Chinese communist party during its trying moments prioritized its leadership agenda by putting economic reforms ahead of the political issues that it faced19. This phenomenal move under the clever guidance of Deng Xiaoping has continued to receive accolades. This step has enabled Chinese communist party to stay longer in China compared to the Soviet Union. Bibliography Amacker, Christopher. â€Å"Why did Communism survive in China but not in the USSR?† Web. Barnett, Thomas, â€Å"Deng Xiaoping,† Esquire, 4 (2008): 146. Johnson, Chalmers A. Peasant Nationalis m and Communist Power: The Emergence of Revolutionary China 1937-1945. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1962. Chan, Bary Watson, eds. Sources of Chinese Tradition. New York: Kegan Paul International, 1960. Courtois, Stephanie. The Black Book of Communism: Crimes, Terror, Repression. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1999. Grigor, Ronald Suny. The Empire Strikes Out: Imperial Russia, â€Å"National† Identity, and Theories of Empire,† A State of Nations: Empire and Nation-Making in the Age of Lenin and Stalin. New York: Oxford University Press, 2001. Lawrance, Alan. China under communism. New York: Routledge, 1998, 134. Pei, Minxin. â€Å"From Reform to Revolution: The Demise of Communism in China and the Soviet Union†.Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1994, 11. Shambaugh, David. China’s Communist Party: Atrophy and Adaptation, University of California: University of California Press, 2009, 256. Zhang, Wei-Wei. Ideology and Economic Reform under De ng Xiaoping. New York: Kegan Paul International, 1996. Footnotes 1 Minxin Pei, â€Å"From Reform to Revolution: The Demise of Communism in China and the Soviet Union† (Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1994), 11). 2 Stephanie Courtois, The Black Book of Communism: Crimes, Terror, Repression (Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1999), 39. 3 Christopher Amacker, â€Å"Why did Communism survive in China but not in the USSR?† 4 Christopher Amacker, â€Å"Why did Communism survive in China but not in the USSR?† 5 Stephanie Courtois, The Black Book of Communism: Crimes, Terror, Repression (Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1999), 39 6 Christopher Amacker, â€Å"Why did Communism survive in China but not in the USSR?† 7 Ronald Grigor Suny, The Empire Strikes Out: Imperial Russia, â€Å"National† Identity, and Theories of Empire, A State of Nations: Empire and Nation-Making in the Age of Lenin and Stalin, (New York: Oxford University Press, 2001) 8 Ronald Grigor Suny and Terry Martin, ed. (New York: Oxford University Press, 2001), 323. 9 Thomas, Barnett, â€Å"Deng Xiaoping,† Esquire no. 4 (2008): 146. 10 David Shambaugh, China’s Communist Party: Atrophy and Adaptation, (University of California: University of California Press, 2009), 256. 11 Wei-Wei Zhang, Ideology and Economic Reform under Deng Xiaoping (New York: Kegan Paul International, 1996), 2. 12 Amacker, Christopher on November 17, Why did Communism survive in China but not in the USSR? (2010). 13 Alan Lawrance, China under communism. (New York: Routledge, 1998), 134 14 Wei-Wei Zhang, Ideology and Economic Reform under Deng Xiaoping (New York: Kegan Paul International, 1996), 2. 15 Chalmers A. Johnson, Peasant Nationalism and Communist Power: The Emergence of Revolutionary China 1937-1945 (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1962), 3. 16 Chan, Watson Bary ed., Sources of Chinese Tradition (New York, Kegan Paul International, 1960), 871. 17 Stephanie Cou rtois, The Black Book of Communism: Crimes, Terror, Repression (Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1999), 39. 18 Pei Minxin, â€Å"From Reform to Revolution: The Demise of Communism in China and the Soviet Union† (Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1994), 11. 19 Christopher Amacker, Why did Communism survive in China but not in the USSR? This essay on The communist Party in the Soviet Union and China was written and submitted by user Jenn1ferSm1th to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Bill of Rights, 1st Amendment and Internet Hate Speech essays

Bill of Rights, 1st Amendment and Internet Hate Speech essays Hate Speech is an area in modern society that has taken on diverse aspects due to the changing standards of correct social behavior, and the lack of precise legislation dealing with this subject. Recently the most debated topic in this area has been the censorship of Hate speech on the Internet. This topic requires and is provoking serious discussion as the World Wide Web is as yet an unknown entity when it comes to censorship laws and presents due to its intrinsic qualities of anonymity a challenge to law Regulating the Internet deals with such sensitive issues as infringement of human and individual rights. I feel serious new issues have arisen from lack of legislation of the internet and amendment is necessary to this state of affairs. Regulation of certain Internet material is needed to protect the values the Bill of Right and the First Amendment advocate. The American democracy is unique for the determination of its forefathers to protect human rights at all levels of society. The constitution has had to go through many stages of development and amendment but on paper the trend has always been to protect all individuals and the citizens of the United States from the oppression of the state or any other form of authority without due cause' and the process of the law'. The Bill of Rights was formulated in the late 1700's and designed so that the powers of the national government were limited. (Glasser, 1991) Originally consisting of ten amendments several have been added since then. The Bill of Rights was however just the guidelines, and implementation on many of its regulations did not take place unanimously in all states or even until a century later. (Glasser, 1991) The First Amendment states that: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof" guaranteeing that the gover...

Monday, March 2, 2020

A Hyphenation Quiz

A Hyphenation Quiz A Hyphenation Quiz A Hyphenation Quiz By Mark Nichol Yes, I hype correct hyphenation, but proper treatment of the little line enables clear communication, so on this site, I repeatedly attach importance to the attachment tool. In the following sentences, excessive or insufficient use of hyphens clouds rather than clarifies. Correct the connective calamities below, then check my answer key at the bottom of the page: 1. â€Å"The program offers student-directed and student-initiated research- and discovery-based learning opportunities.† 2. â€Å"The plan includes accidental death and dismemberment coverage.† 3. â€Å"The businessman-turned-candidate spoke about his religious beliefs.† 4. â€Å"Maybe the country just doesn’t want a my way or the highway Texan in the White House again.† 5. â€Å"Travel to near-space in a 400-foot diameter balloon.† 6. â€Å"He all-but-lectured the lawmakers assembled.† 7. â€Å"The rainbow flag flew at half-staff to honor Elizabeth Taylor, the Hollywood-star-and icon to gays who died in March.† Answers 1. This hyphen-saturated sentence, though technically correct (though to be fair but awkward, the second mention of the word student should be elided), reads better when it is relaxed: â€Å"The program, based on research and discovery, allows students to direct and initiate their own learning opportunities.† â€Å"Student-directed and -initiated† and â€Å"research- and discovery-based† are proper examples of suspensive hyphenation, but the double-suspension string â€Å"student-directed and (student)-initiated research- and discovery-based† is excessive. 2. As written, this sentence implies that the coverage is accidental. But the coverage presumably protects against two possibilities: accidental death, and dismemberment, so the phrase â€Å"accidental death† should be hyphenated to signal that the constituent words combine to modify coverage, and because the insurance also applies to nondeliberate dismemberment, that word should be preceded by a suspended hyphenation. However, because no insurance company hyphenates this phrase in its literature, I’m inclined to request, as in the previous example, at least a relaxed rewrite that obviates hyphenation: â€Å"The plan includes coverage in case of accidental death and dismemberment.† 3. When the verb turned stands between a word describing a former state and one referring to a current state, unlike as is the case with the similarly employed conjunction cum (â€Å"with†), no hyphenation is necessary: â€Å"The businessman turned candidate spoke about his religious beliefs.† 4. The word string defining what kind of Texan the subject is must be corralled into one group, either with quotation marks that imply that the sentiment is literally or figuratively stated, or with multiple hyphens: â€Å"Maybe the country just doesn’t want a my-way-or-the-highway Texan in the White House again.† 5. This sentence manages two hyphenation errors within its ten-word length. Near is often erroneously attached to the following noun; hyphenation is correct only when near and the following word form a phrasal adjective modifying a third term, as in â€Å"near-space tourist travel† (where the open compound â€Å"tourist travel† is an noun phrase). Also, the half-hearted hyphenation that follows implies the existence of an odd item referred to as a diameter balloon; this one apparently has 400 five-toed appendages. The phrase should be revised to correctly reflect that the balloon is 400 feet in diameter: â€Å"Travel to near space in a 400-foot-diameter balloon.† 6. The modifying phrase â€Å"all but† needs not be attached to the verb, nor do the two words in that phrase require connection: â€Å"He all but lectured the lawmakers assembled.† 7. Half-staff, like its synonym half-mast (often erroneously used in nonmaritime contexts), is correctly hyphenated. The hyphenation error occurs later in the sentence, when the writer, confused about how to construct the gloss of Elizabeth Taylor, loses steam near the end. The phrase â€Å"Hollywood star and icon to gays,† however, requires no connective tissue: â€Å"The rainbow flag flew at half-staff to honor Elizabeth Taylor, the Hollywood star and icon to gays who died in March.† Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Punctuation category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Direct and Indirect ObjectsAcronym vs. InitialismArtist vs. Artisan

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Architectural History Theory and Criticism Essay

Architectural History Theory and Criticism - Essay Example Charles Jencks in his book, What is Postmodernism? Provides his definition of postmodernism. He defines it as a double coding where architects combine modern techniques with something else to make architecture communicate with the public and some minorities concerned (Jencks, 2012, p. 46). In relation to design study, postmodernism presents a culture whose consideration is valuable in the process of producing architectural designs. The art of designing dates back from periods of modernization or the industrial revolution. In architects’ culture, the work of historians is essential to the success of architects’ works. Historically, the word Modernus according to Charles Jencks, were used by Christians in the 3rd century to show their superiority against the rising pagans. These Christians had a perception that they were cleaner than the pagans whose soul would be immortalized in Rome while theirs will be eternal in heaven. The term from then has undergone various changes in the different field. Post-modern on the other hand was introduced in 1875 and later had a minor description in 1934 from within modernist of Spanish Poetry. In 1947, in â€Å"A Study of History† by Arnold Toynbee, the term was used to describe a new history circle perceived to have begun in 1875. It was the formulation of the end of the western dominance, capitalism, decline of individualism and Christianity and rise in powers of non-western cultures. The term post was first used positively by Leslie Friedler, a writer in 1965. Postmodernism started in the United States around 1960 to 1970 and later spread to Europe and then to the rest of the world. The rise of postmodernism began as a way filling the gap left by modernism. It began as a way of fulfilling the limitations of modernism; it is predecessor. These limitations extend to communication purposes offered by modernism. Its origin is perceived to come as a result of the failure of the former. Many felt that

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Barnes% Noble Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Barnes% Noble - Essay Example Another factor affecting the component of publishing is the steady increase of the price of oil and natural gas. In printing, most of the raw materials used for printing like inks are derived from oil. Its mail order catalogue is also affected by the rising cost of postage. In printing, which composes the bulk of Barnes &Noble’s expenses, one of the problems aside from rising cost is the large amount of paper used and the toxic waste it produces such as solvents and inks. Likewise the industry sees the digital technology rather expensive and cuts their profit. As to availability of transportation and shipping airlines, I see no problem as to its availability since there are available companies like Fedex and other airline companies. The only problem seen here is the cost of freight, and insurance. As to employment, Barnes and Noble recognizes the efforts of employees by giving them a rewarding career experience. Competitive compensation, benefit package and promotion. It provides employees a financial security plan, sick leave and disability pay, life insurance, continuing education, transit benefits and discounts (Barnes & Noble, n. d.). They believe that it is rewarding to discover new writers. Average annual revenue of a printing press employee is $145,000.(First Research) while pay for writers is not disclosed. A supplier has bargaining power if he possess the capacity to dominate the contracting partner due o its influence, power, status or size, or through a combination of various tactics. Barnes & Noble who owns the largest chain of bookstores in US, has the power to command the price of books and to control

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Genetic Modified Foods Essay -- GMOs, Genetically Modified Crops

Genetic modification of organisms in general is a biotechnological process that forces genes to behave according to certain characteristics. Changing characteristics of organisms is based on changing their DNA (tech deoxyribonucleic acid; the acid which carries genetic information in a cell). It is being used for modifying genes in plants, animals or micro-organisms. It is being also used especially with food in order to improve the nutritious quality, make less use of chemicals such as pesticides, which proved to be extremely harmful, and sometimes to add flavour. Genetically modified food (GMF) is considered one of the modern production improvements and the largest food experiments in the world’s history. However, it is very vital to dispel misconception about the nature of food. GMF is a mixed blessing which has a lot of benefits but at the same time may arouse problems. It has many good aspects, such as making plants ripen faster, improving the specie’s taste and look, and providing Third World countries with healthier and cheaper food. Genetic modification of food has won the admiration of a lot of people, including myself, because of its new and attractive accomplishments, but at the same time we should take into consideration its disadvantages and try to find ways to avoid them. Genetically modified foodstuffs have several disadvantages which I believe are possibly avoidable through research and experiments. Most of the time, the sale of GMFs is being permitted without posing the risks and without informing the public with the possible danger. This of course is a violation of human rights which can Nagi2 easily be avoided by simply informing consumers of the characteristics of the product. When genetic engineers insert new genes into any organism, it can lead to disruption and unpredictable changes in the pattern and structure of the new genetic function. "In fact, the process of inserting genes is quite random and can damage normal genes " (Genetic Engineered Food - A Serious Health Risk 3). Therefore, harmful substances may appear unexpectedly and can possibly create viruses and new dangerous diseases. Therefore, it is the obligation of experts to examine GM products before making them available to the publi... ...d not avoid rice because of that." (Maryanski 3). So, vegetarians should feel safe when eating GMF. The conclusion to be drawn from the above is that GMF in one of the modern production improvements and the largest food experiment in the history of the world. Its appearance has been very sudden. Now, a very rapidly growing number of it is being introduced. Maybe in a few years it may be almost impossible to find natural food. No doubt, any dangerous food production through genetic engineering should be banned until scientifically shown that it is safe for everyone. In the meantime, labelling is required foe any foodstuff that contains genetically engineered ingredients, and any risk that could harm the environment should be banned. It has to be acknowledged that GMF is one of the best production that have emerged in our century. Hopefully, in the future, it will not have any side effects, and be healthier than the current natural food. Containing all the Vitamins and nutrition that we need. We have to put in mind that if people knew all it advantages, they will surely get convinced with the idea of producing GMF.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Apush Paper (It’s Fail)

James Jun Pribaz APUSH 5 13 February 2013 Frontier Thesis- Summary, Agreement, and Why â€Å"The existence of an area of free land, its continuous recession, and the advance of American settlement westward explain American development. † In this article, Frederick Jackson Turner believes that, in relation to his frontier thesis, the history of the United States is most influenced mainly by how Americans had assimilated the West into the culture they held.The frontier, in Turner’s stance, was where settlers had restarted civilization as a whole and begun to redevelop the conditions present further east in the United States. By doing so, the frontier is classified as being the most rapidly Americanized area in the whole nation; however, the frontier also influenced the culture of the United States by promoting individualism, American ingenuity, and a restless amount of energy. Additionally supporting his argument, Turner also pointed out the dangers of having no frontier. Turner began to question the possible outcomes from the dissipation of the frontier.Historians, on the other hand, took up a different view on the frontier and its effect on American culture. The historians believed that, instead of the frontier, other factors had influenced the history of the United States, such as slavery, the Civil War, capitalism, and slavery. Furthermore, they hotly contested Turner’s claim of â€Å"free land. † The historians declared that the land, which was inhabited by the Indians, was in all actuality not free at all as countless wars had been fought for this land, resulting in many deaths.The historians also challenged Turner’s thesis by stating how communities, corporations, and even the federal government had allowed the inhabitation of the West, instead of individualism. Therefore, Turner’s thesis and the thoughts of the historians contrasted sharply; however, both sides acquiesced to the idea that the West had influenced u s to some extent. I disagree with the â€Å"frontier thesis† that Frederick Jackson Turner had claimed was true.Instead of the frontier influencing the history of the United States, I agree with the historians that many other factors had played a role in molding how the nation progressed. Events like slavery, the Civil War, capitalism, the railroad, immigration, and numerous inventions all had significant impacts on how American culture came to be. Turner also emphasized how the land was free on the frontier which could clearly and concisely explain the development of the nation. In contrast, I believe that the land in the west was free in thought, but not free in reality.As more and more settlers poured to the west after the Homestead Act, it became rather evident that the West offered little to no prosperity. The weather was dreadful, life was relatively isolated as most western settlers were farmers, and the soil was inhospitable to crops. Therefore, I diverge on the stanc e that Turner advocated for, which stated that the frontier had mainly impacted American history, and hold that countless other factors had played a great part in America’s development, not just one particular one.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Relationship between Big Five Personality Traits and the Goal Setting Theory of Motivation Free Essay Example, 6750 words

This paper discusses how each of the Big Five personality traits of the individual is related to the goal setting theory of motivation. The theory of goal setting assumes that the goals of the individuals play important role in directing and sustaining the individuals energies towards undertaking some particular actions. According to the responses obtained through the process of interviews in the current study, it has been found that most of the respondents have set a particular goal for each of the coming five years. Their pattern of responses shows that the goals they set for themselves are very crucial for their life. But most of the respondents have also found these goals to be challenging. The kind of importance that most of the respondents have assigned to each of their goals simply reflects the extent of their goal orientation. It has become quite clear that while the goals that they set for themselves are very crucial for their life and also challenging, the processes of acc omplishing these goals also seem to be quite enjoyable to the respondents. It implies that the respondents are not only concerned about the importance of their self-set goals in their life, but also are quite eager to accomplish these goals as their journey towards achieving these goals seems to be enjoyable to them. We will write a custom essay sample on Relationship between Big Five Personality Traits and the Goal Setting Theory of Motivation or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now Now, it would be interesting to find out to what extent this kind of high goal orientation among most of the respondents are related to their Big Five Personality Traits. A number of interesting things have been come out from the study. These are as follows: First, most of the people in the selected sample who have shown that they possess the characteristics reflecting the personality trait of extraversion also places sufficiently high importance on their self-set goals. It implies that there exists a positive correlation between the personality traits of extraversion and motivation to be more goal orientated. The existing researches have also found a similar kind of relation. Hence the first hypothesis of the present research can well be accepted.